The Idea of Writing: Play and Complexity by Alex de Voogt, Irving Finkel

By Alex de Voogt, Irving Finkel

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Example text

305. Ugarit-Verlag, Münster. Civil, M. 2004. The series DIRI = (w)atru, Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon Vol. 15. Pontifical Institute, Rome. Damerow P. & R. K. Englund 1989. The Proto-Elamite texts from Tepe-Yahya. American School of Prehistoric Research Bulletin. Vol. 39. Cambridge, MA. Daniels P. T. & W. ) 1996. The World’s Writing Systems. Oxford University Press. Edzard, D. O. 1980. Keilschrift. Reallexikon der Assyriologie, Vol. 5, 7/8: 544–568. Englund, R. K. 1998. Texts from the Late Uruk Period.

The world of commercial woodblock printing that developed reflected a highly sophisticated literary and pictorial culture. Printed matter varied from simple pamphlets containing promotional announcements, guide-books, manuals and fiction written in kana to scholarly books in Chinese, as well as elaborately designed full-color woodblock prints. Many of those combined script and pictures, sometimes playfully blurring the boundaries between the two. An early example are moji-e, literally ‘script-pictures’.

In: Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident n° 20 (Du divertissement dans la Chine et le Japon anciens): 111–133. SUBSTITUTION, SUBSTITUTION, SUBSTITUTION: THE MANY FACES OF MAYA WRITING Erik Boot Introduction The Maya writing system originated and evolved in an area currently covered by south-eastern Mexico (states of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo), Belize, Guatemala, and the western parts of Honduras and El Salvador. At present, the origins of the writing system can be traced back to circa the second century bce (Late Preclassic period).

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