Peuples du monde, Unissez-vous dans la lutte pour by Editions en langues etrangeres, 1971

By Editions en langues etrangeres, 1971

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During 2007, sales soared to more than 178,000. Toyota reached an impressive milestone in 2007, when total global sales of all of its hybrids during all of the years they had been available topped 1 million. For the longterm, Toyota hopes to further fuel hybrid sales through the introduction of advanced lithium ion batteries, as opposed to the nickel-metal-hydride batteries it now uses. However, lithium ion batteries are faced with safety problems when crushed or overheated. S. until early 2011.

In late 2009 or beyond. The $30,000 to $40,000 sedan would have a 120-mile range and its American importer, Miles Electric Vehicles hopes to sell 30,000 of them in 2010. com). Among the biggest problems facing consumer adoption of electric cars is the cost of the battery, which is estimated to be $10,000 to $30,000 in 2009, depending on the type and the place of manufacture. Factoring this into the initial purchase price of the car makes electric vehicles expensive. Thus, among the big ideas in electric cars is a radical concept spearheaded by Shai Agassi, formerly of enterprise software giant SAP.

Natural gas is an attractive technology, not only because it is highly developed, but also because it is economically feasible and environmentally friendly. While initially costing as much as $8,000 more per vehicle than standard fuel equivalents, natural gas engines save 15% or more on fuel costs, making the investment potentially worthwhile over the long term. Emissions are 35% lower overall, and have much lower concentrations of polluting particles and harmful gases.

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