Political Economy: A Comparative Approach, Second Edition by Barry Clark

By Barry Clark

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Classical Liberalism was clearly articulated in the early nineteenth century by classical political economists and was later reinvigorated by neoclassical economists, particularly those of the Austrian school. In the bottom-right quadrant, the Conservative perspective defends both hierarchy and community. Conservatives from Burke onward have stressed the importance of a harmonious community in molding virtuous persons, but they also view hierarchy as essential to provide leadership by those with superior abilities.

By controlling crime, government may reduce defensive aggression such as purchasing guns for self-protection. Against government. Because government can supersede the market's distribution of income, citizens may attempt to use governmental authority to benefit themselves. Moreover, this process often becomes self-reinforcing. As some individuals or groups gain benefits from government, other citizens conclude that money flows to power, and power requires organization. Interest groups proliferate and demands on government intensify.

Hundreds of other small experiments with communal living occurred The History of Political Economy 27 during the nineteenth century in both Europe and North America. Growing apprehension over the effects of industrialization and modernization undoubtedly spurred this interest in alternative forms of society. The loss of tradition, the squalor of large cities, and conditions in the early factories persuaded many people that fundamental change was required to improve the quality of human existence.

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