Applied Linguistics, Volume 31, issue 5, 2010 by Oxford University

By Oxford University

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Additional info for Applied Linguistics, Volume 31, issue 5, 2010

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Grounded cognition,’ Annual Review of Psychology 59: 617–45. Bateson, G. 1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. University of Chicago Press. Bickerton, D. 1981. ‘Discussion of ’Two perspectives on pidginization as second language acquisition’’’ in Andersen R. ): New Dimensions in Second Language Acquisition Research. Newbury House. Boden, M. 2006. Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science. Clarendon Press. , M. Petrides, S. Frey, and A. Evans. 1994. ‘Frontal cortex involvement in organized sequences of hand movements: Evidence from a positron emission topography study,’ Society for Neurosciences Abstracts 20: 353.

BARCROFT AND S. g. g. g. g. g. g. De Groot and Keijzer 2000); and pronunciation time (Ellis and Beaton 1993). Other studies on sentence-level input processing have provided information about the interrelated nature of perceptual saliency and the allocation of processing resources that may (or may not) be applicable to word form learning. g. 1996, supported by Barcroft and VanPatten 1997; Rosa and O’Neill 1998) has included perceptual salience in his model of sentencelevel L2 processing. Specifically, VanPatten posits that items in sentence-initial position are more perceptually salient and have precedence over items in other positions.

Apples and oranges: Or, why apples are not orange and don’t need to be: A response to Firth and Wagner,’ Modern Language Journal 82: 83–90. Gee, J. P. 1995. ‘First language acquisition as a guide for theories of learning and pedagogy,’ Linguistics and Education 6: 331–54. Gibbs, R. 2006. Embodiment and Cognitive Science. Cambridge University Press. Glenberg, A. 1997. ‘What memory is for,’ Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20: 1–55. , M. Meyer, and K. Lindem. 1987. ‘Mental models contribute to foregrounding during text comprehension,’ Journal of Memory and Learning 26: 69–83.

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