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The duality principles discussed in this paper state that, whenever a linear initial model and linear expansion equations are defined, also a dual linear initial model and associated expansion equations are implicitly defined. Each of the two initial models relates the dependent variable Y to a set of variables that are potential causes of drift of the ‘other’ initial model. CASETTI 27 involves investigating whether one set of alternative potential explanators of Y produces effects on Y to an extent determined by the other set of explanators.

Instead, the maximum rate of growth of product per capita g(y*) declines at larger values of P′. The equilibrium values y1 and y2 tend respectively to minus and plus infinity as P′ tends to zero. 6, y1, y*, and y2 collapse into a single value, and g(y*) tends to zero. 6, and is invariant between these. Let . 2. The table shows that g(y) is remarkably sensitive to the changes in P′ that can be found in the contemporary world. 13 Notes: P′, percentage growth rate of population; PRC1, exp(y1) where y1 is the smaller root of g(y)=0; PRC2, exp (y2) where y2 is the larger root of g(y)=0; g(y*), maximum value of y′, y′, rate of development.

To be highest at intermediate levels of development. However, for large rates of growth of population the maximum rates of development y* are lower, and the rates of development associated with any level of development are smaller. Also, the stable equilibrium level of product per capita PRC2 occurs at lower development levels when P′ is higher. Summing up, the dual expansions results reveal perverse effects of higher rates of population growth within a theoretical frame of reference different from the one associated with the primal expansions.

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