Voiceovers: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox

By Janet Wilcox

Ever been advised you might have an excellent voice? utilize it with a profession as a voice-over actor! In Voice-Overs, a veteran voice-over actor, author, manufacturer, and voice-over instructor offers the interior scoop at the and offers the entire instruments wanted for private education.

A treasure trove of workouts, video games, and improv and appearing options is helping readers construct their talents. pattern scripts from actual advertisements supply perform, and interviews with brokers, casting administrators, and manufacturers offer insights that might support new voice-over actors start and get employed. tips about creating a demo, auditioning, getting an agent, studying reproduction, constructing a private advertising and marketing plan, and masses extra suggest that quickly that fab voice might be bringing in source of revenue in addition to compliments.

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Record some magazine ad copy using these techniques and really listen back. Evaluate how realistic you sound. ➧ Use your audio recorder to record commercials on television and the radio. Listen to the spots and try to get a sense of national and local commercials. Transcribe them and practice the copy to get a sense of different types of campaigns. Listen to your work to make sure you’ve captured the nuances of each style. ➧ Practice reading the newspaper and magazine ads to different friends whom you imagine you’re talking to just like in everyday life (ten minutes a day for five days).

If you act, you’ll want to look up because that’s how you’re used to working, but you can’t do this in voice-over while you’re learning the technique. The focus is on the page. Even if you imagine seeing your friend’s face as you read you must put your focus on the page. Think of it as a marriage of the imagination and reading in one place—the page. Your mind sees your friend and the words. When you become more advanced, you’ll learn to juggle the voice to picture technique. I’ll go into that in greater detail in chapter 6.

See yourself in the place in your mind’s eye before you read. See five specific things in the room. Imagine what you are wearing for different roles. We always come from somewhere and go somewhere in life. Therefore, all scenes are read as if something just happened. qxd 1/17/07 11:07 AM Page 38 and excited. In contrast, if I just got a ticket on my car then when I answer the phone I may be irritable. In theatre, this is like the preparation you do to go on stage. Let’s say you’re coming on stage to proclaim that your house has been robbed; you’ve got to imagine seeing the destruction before you come on stage to say your line.

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