The digital transformation of the Swedish graphic industry by by Mathias Coster.

By by Mathias Coster.

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These investments symbolize input to the process and mainly include IT investments but also others, such as investments made in organizational capital and other technologies. The research will then focus on identifying cause-effect relationships in order to explain effects that have occurred in the processes and to determine which effects can be traced to IT investment. These effects are then categorized17 and the sum of this analysis will lead to 1) a set of measurable results, for example productivity development, and 2) a set of intangible effects.

IT INVESTMENTS HAVE TO BE VIEWED IN THEIR CONTEXT Lee (2001) writes that in order to evaluate IT’s value it is necessary to capture the interactions between IT and the business environment. The model she presents is based on a study of a residential mortgage origination process, based on interviews and observations at seven different mortgage companies. The idea is to consider what goes on in what she calls the black box where IT generates value. Here findings from the study indicate that IT investments often impact directly on lower or intermediate level variables, but not on high-level variables such as company profit.

One is that it may be difficult to determine the economic length of different machines and technological equipment. Another is the fact that input resources can develop in different rate. If that is the case there is a need for closer description of the connection between the different input resources and output index (SOU 1991). In addition, MFP is not a good measure for analyzing technology shifts at the industry 41 or firm level and there is a risk, as in the case of single factor value-added measures, for double deflation of the value-added index (OECD 2001).

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