Storyboards by Mark Simon (Auth.)

By Mark Simon (Auth.)

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In other words, they are able to shoot only the exact shots needed to cover the scene, and they don’t necessarily have to shoot the entire scene from multiple angles. The boards will also help them plan complex camera moves. When a designer reads a script and imagines a new set, he feels the need to build the entire four walls of the set in case the director wants to shoot in different directions. When a scene is fully boarded, the designer may find out that only one section of a set is needed, thus saving time and money in construction and set dressing.

Video games are heavily storyboarded to work out the story and continuity. Games based on live-action movies are also including more video segments within the game play, and those segments are usually boarded out as well so that they can be planned within the movie shoot. Some live-action productions think they don’t have enough of a budget for storyboarding. The opposite is usually true. A lack of storyboarding will typically result in miscommunication, lost time, and lost dollars—more than the boards would have cost in the first place.

When coloring with markers, it is best to start with your lighter color and then work in your darker shades and shadows. You can mix colors to get different shades and textures. Blenders, which are clear markers, may be used to lighten some areas, soften edges, and blend two other colors together. Digital coloring is becoming more prevalent. Artists often feel freer to experiment with digital coloring because mistakes are much easier to fix than with markers. But because it is possible to zoom in on all areas of digital images, artists generally take more time with digital coloring to make each image perfect.

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