RMC 2008-Rumanian mathematical competitions by Radu Glogan-Dan Schwarz Rumanian mathematical society

By Radu Glogan-Dan Schwarz Rumanian mathematical society

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Example text

The union of δ (S) with the original state set S is performed either in a following stage or even combined with the computation of δ (S). 1. Symbolic State Space Traversal 43 ............................................................................................................................ great store has to be laid on enhancing the efficiency of the δ (S) computation as far as possible. Besides the application of δ (S) at line 4, the equality test of S and Sold at line 5—which determines if a fixpoint has been reached—is the crucial operation with regard to efficiency.

It also activates the components C1 and C2 . The condition a for the transition of the state machine of C1 is true also, resulting in a reaction of the state machine of C1 in the same execution cycle if p is satisfied, too. The unfolding of C1 is performed in three steps: 1. Functions and embedded components are moved to the outer component. 2. FunState 25 ............................................................................................................................ a C2 b/C2,a a Ù p/f1 Figure 14.

They do not restrict the behavior of the system. Timing constraints can be used for guiding the specification or design process of a system by specifying certain deadlines. It is possible to define timing constraints and timing properties in an equivalent way. A flag could be attached to some timing annotation which distinguishes between properties and constraints. But it turns out that this generality comes with a high notational overhead. Therefore, the class of possible timing annotations is restricted to a useful subset, namely latency in the case of properties and paths in the case of constraints.

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