On Communication. An Interdisciplinary and Mathematical by Jurgen Kluver, Christina Kluver

By Jurgen Kluver, Christina Kluver

This e-book bargains a thorough new theoretical technique for the certainty of verbal exchange. the idea is operationalized through the appliance of yes computing device courses, specifically tender Computing courses like mobile automata and synthetic neural nets. in lots of examples the authors exhibit the way it is feasible to version and study communicative methods, comparable to social mixed with cognitive ones.

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A definition that takes into regard the learning biography of the communicators and the particular contextual situation. This everyday example demonstrates another reason why the theory of Shannon and Weaver is not a theory of communication, at least not in the sense that communication is a dynamical process between generally different receiving systems. The Shannon/Weaver definition of the degree of information presupposes that it is possible to define and measure the objective degree of information.

Because computer programs operate only according to syntactical rules and know nothing about the semantic dimension, they do not understand what they are doing and therefore they will never be “intelligent”. As we do not want to participate in the discussion about “real” Artificial Intelligence, which seems rather fruitless, we can accept for the time being the argument of Searle, although it has been severely criticized (cf. g. Churchland and Churchland 1990). By the way, we shall see that Searle’s man in the room gives indeed some meaning to the Chinese signs, although it is certainly not the meaning a speaker of Chinese would give to them.

Neither the two lovers nor the early risen poet attach their meaning of “evening star” and “morning star” to that astronomical definition. Therefore, the intensional meaning of two signals is the same if and only if the signals generate the same attractor or, in the terms introduced above, if they belong to the same basin of attraction. But the same holds for the extensional meaning and that is why this venerable distinction is not necessary any more in a precise theory of meaning. 11 Finally, a critical objection against our definition of meaning in particular and the theoretical framework of complex systems in general may be that the speaking of cognitive topologies, cognitive systems and “meaningful” attractors is just a metaphor because neither neurobiology nor any other empirical science is still able to look directly into the brain or the mind.

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