Mastering Biology by O. F. G. Kilgour (auth.)

By O. F. G. Kilgour (auth.)

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MAMMALS Skin with glands and hair. Mammary gland secretes milk. Gill slit 10 embryo. Rabbit, dog, seal and man. snake. REPTILES Scaly skins, lungs, gill slits 10 embryo. Paired limbs in lizard. Vestigial limbs - AMPHIBIA Soft skins, gills in tadpoles, paired limbs. Newts and frogs. ROUNDWORMS A phylum of cyhndncal elonpted worms. Dog and cat worms. FLATWORMS A phylum of animals with flattened bodtes. Tapeworms and liverfluke. FISH Scaly skins. Gills. Paired fins. (a) Dogfish- cartilaginous ftsh.

15b), all of which are found in or on soil. They have long segmented bodies and numerous legs. (iii) Qass Arachnida These are terrestrial arthropoda with four pairs of legs, and include spiders (Fig. 16b ), scorpions and ticks. (iv) Class Insecta These are distinguished by a body divided into a head, thorax and abdomen, with three pairs of legs connected to the thorax. They are mainly terrestrial, and some have two pairs of wings, whilst others are wingless. More than 50% of all animal species are insects.

4). 4 relationship between surface area and volume. e. that small organisms have more area of body surface relative to their volume compared to large organisms. The relationship between surface area and volume can be shown with reference to cubes of a regular shape. (i) A cube has six surfaces, each with an area measured from length x breadth. (ii) The volume of a cube will be the product of length x breadth x height. 3. A small cube with sides measuring I em will have almost ten times the relative amount of body surface as the large cube with sides measuring 10 em.

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