Manufacturing & Distribution USA: Industry Analyses, by Arsen J. Darnay

By Arsen J. Darnay

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Additional info for Manufacturing & Distribution USA: Industry Analyses, Statistics and Leading Companies (Manufacturing and Distribution USA)

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Indices of Change The data presented in the General Statistics table are partially restated as indices for all industries where multiple years of data are available. The purpose of the table is to show the user rapidly how different categories of the industry have changed since 2007. Indices are shown for the census years (1997, 2002, and 2007) and for years beyond. The year 2007 is used as the base and is therefore shown as 100 in every category. Other values are expressed in relation to the 2007 value.

A single cycle is shown; if the values bridge two cycles, both are shown. The data graphed are derived from the first table, General Statistics. All available years of data are plotted. If data gaps appear in the series, missing points are calculated using a least-squares curve fitting algorithm. Those portions of curves based on projections by the editors are shown in a dotted-line format. General Statistics Manufacturing. This table shows national statistics for the industry for the years 19932012 under five groupings: Companies, Establishments, Employment, Compensation, and Production.

Index values of 100 mean that the Analyzed Industry, within a given ratio, is identical to the average of all industries. An index value of 500 means that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average — for instance, that it has five times as many employees per establishment or pays five times as much. An index value of 50 would indicate that the Analyzed Industry is half of the average of all industries (50%). Similarly, an index of 105 means 5 percent above average and 95 indicates 5 percent below.

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