How to Land a Top-Paying Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and by Brad Andrews

By Brad Andrews

A accomplished roadmap to discovering, comparing, qualifying for & reaching Procurement administration occupation good fortune, together with theoretical & sensible information from various specialist resources, & strategic tactics from an HR Manager's 'inside' point of view.

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Internet resources. The Internet includes many job hunting Web sites with job listings. Some job boards provide National listings of all kinds; others are local. Some relate to a specific type of work; others are general. To find good prospects, begin with an Internet search using keywords related to the job you want. Also look for the sites of related professional associations. Also consider checking Internet forums, also called message boards. These are online discussion groups where anyone may post and read messages.

An employer cannot be specific about the amount of pay if it includes commissions and bonuses. Benefits also can add a lot to your base pay, but they vary widely. Find out exactly what the benefit package includes and how much of the cost you must bear. 56 PURCHASING MANAGERS, BUYERS, AND PURCHASING AGENTS WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE…HIRING THE BEST PURCHASING, MANAGERS, BUYERS, AND PURCHASING AGENTS This chapter is all about clarity of the total hiring process – for you, your manager and your candidates.

Determining in advance whether you will like the work may be difficult. However, the more you find out about the job before accepting or rejecting the offer, the 52 PURCHASING MANAGERS, BUYERS, AND PURCHASING AGENTS more likely you are to make the right choice. Consider the following questions: Where is the job located? If the job is in another section of the country, you need to consider the cost of living, the availability of housing and transportation, and the quality of educational and recreational facilities in that section of the country.

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