How Life Works by Andrew Matthews

By Andrew Matthews

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You read a book. You take a long walk. You feel better still. You get a little inspiration. Other people arrive to help. You are on your way. But first, you need that glimmer of hope, a little belief. Only THEN do things start to improve. It all happens AFTER you begin to feel better. In a Nutshell Experience follows feeling. Feeling is the prayer. Finding Mr Right What do many people do when they are looking for love? They hang out in sleazy bars drinking more than they want. The results are often disappointing.

Some people are always late! They can get up at 6 am to be at work by nine and at ten fifteen they are still combing the house for car keys and hunting for their wallet! Some people are always busy. Some people are forever getting ripped off – by salesmen, phone companies, old girlfriends and long-lost relatives. ”? She has a radar for finding rude, selfish, lazy people – and then she marries them. Some people start a new relationship every six weeks. ” To get it, you have to feel it. Some people make friends wherever they go.

No one can keep him out. In a Nutshell If you want to see it happen you first need to feel it happen. Relax! In the 1980s I taught a weekend relaxation course. Over two and half days, the attendees also learned to like themselves a little more. Here’s what amazed me: in the weeks following their course, people would report all kinds of wonderful happenings. ” Year in, year out, the story was the same for most of the attendees. I wondered, “Why are all these people reporting such positive results?

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