Fredric Chopin: A Guide to Research (Composer Resource by William Smialek

By William Smialek

Very important books, articles, reports, and theses on Fr d ric Chopin (1810-1849) in Western eu languages and in Polish are pointed out; chosen references in languages resembling Russian, Czech, and eastern are incorporated to boot. The Chopin legend is taken into account via reviews of the functionality culture and a discography of contemporary and reissued recordings. brief essays define the historiography of Chopin study and the present path of scholarship. Index.

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Extra info for Fredric Chopin: A Guide to Research (Composer Resource Manuals)

Example text

58. Chroscicki, Juliusz A. and Andrzej Rottermund. Atlas of Warsaw’s Architecture. Warsaw: Arkady Publishers, 1977. 248 p. P62 W762713 Reviews the development of Warsaw’s architecture chronologically. The larger part of the book is a catalog of buildings sorted by street. Several references are made to sites associated with Chopin. 59. Kesting, Jürgen. “Salon—Thesen zu einem gesellschaftlichen Ort der Musik im 19. ” Musik und Bildung 9, no. 7–8 (1977):377–380. Begins with Schumann’s references to Chopin waltzes as Salon-musik.

Includes an index and numerous illustrations. 76. Ganche, Edouard. Frédéric Chopin, sa vie et ses oeuvres 1810– 1849. 2nd ed. Paris: Mercure de France, 1949. 341 p. Reprint of 1913 edition, 1972. C54 G2 1972 The biography provides long exerpts from letters. Mentions compositions chronologically, but there is no analytical discussion of the music. The final chapter continues narrative after Chopin’s death. Includes a bibliography and list of works. 26 77. Frédéric Chopin Scharlett, Bernard. Chopin.

Czech, Stany. Chopin. Erdenweg eines Genius. Hattingen, Germany: Hundt-Verlag, 1950. 344 p. C54 C95 The biography underscores the reception of Chopin’s work. No use of musical examples to discuss music. Provides a short bibliography and list of works. The name index (pages 301–344) identifies persons tangentially connected to Chopin’s activities. 92. Bory, Robert. La vie de Frédéric Chopin par l’image. Paris: Horizons de France, 1949. 218 p. C46 B67 A biographical sketch accompanies reproductions of Chopin and other figures associated with his life.

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