The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses by Jesse Schell

By Jesse Schell

Someone can grasp the basics of online game layout - no technological services is important. The paintings of online game layout: A ebook of Lenses exhibits that a similar uncomplicated ideas of psychology that paintings for board video games, card video games and athletic video games are also the keys to creating foremost videogames. solid video game layout occurs if you view your video game from many alternative views, or lenses. whereas traveling during the strange territory that's video game layout, this ebook provides the reader 100 of those lenses - 100 units of insightful inquiries to wonder that may help in making your online game larger. those lenses are accumulated from fields as various as psychology, structure, song, visible layout, movie, software program engineering, subject matter park layout, arithmetic, writing, puzzle layout, and anthropology. someone who reads this publication could be encouraged to turn into a greater video game dressmaker - and may know how to do it.

* Jesse Schell is a hugely recognizable identify in the video game - he's the previous chair of the foreign video game Developer's organization, and has designed many winning video games, together with Disney's award-winning Toontown Online.

* The book's layout technique was once built at Carnegie Mellon University's leisure know-how middle, co-founded through Dr. Randy Pausch of "Last Lecture" popularity.

* a hundred 'lenses' are scattered during the ebook. those are boxed units of questions, every one a distinct method of seeing a online game that might motivate the artistic process.

* 500 pages of specific, functional guideline on developing world-class video games that would be performed back and again.

* Winner of Game Developer's 2008 entrance Line Award within the e-book type

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