Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information by M. ANJI REDDY



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This is not possible when maps are digitised in digitiser units. Coverages should not be edited, cleaned, built, or buffered, nor should any spatial analysis be performed when they are stored in reference units (latitude-longitude). The algorithms that perform snapping functions using a measurement of length or area are based upon Cartesian coordinates. The length of a line of latitude between two meridians varies with latitude, and the area is confusing when measured in square degrees. 11 Linkage of GIS to Remote Sensing This book aims to provide an introduction to the theoretical and technical principles that need to be understood to work effectively and critically with GIS.

Are called reflectance, absorbance and E[ A. E[ A. ). Simply, it can be understood that, the measure of how much electromagnetic radiation is reflected off a surface is called its reflectance. The reflectance range lies between 0 and 1. 0 means that 100% of the incident radiation is reflected off the surface, and a measure '0' means that 0% is reflected. ' incident upon the object .......... 11) Eq .. )] .......... ) can be neglected. According to Kirchoff's law of physics, the absorbance is taken as emissivity (s).

This naturally requires some knowledge of projection concepts. The ability to display adjacent and background coverage can be quite helpful, particularly for updating maps. This is not possible when maps are digitised in digitiser units. Coverages should not be edited, cleaned, built, or buffered, nor should any spatial analysis be performed when they are stored in reference units (latitude-longitude). The algorithms that perform snapping functions using a measurement of length or area are based upon Cartesian coordinates.

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