Iconicity in Syntax: Proceedings of a Symposium on Iconicity by John Haiman

By John Haiman

The papers during this quantity all discover one form of practical reason for a number of features of linguistic shape – iconicity: linguistic types are often the best way they're simply because they resemble the conceptual buildings they're used to show, or, linguistic buildings resemble one another as the assorted conceptual domain names they characterize are considered within the comparable approach. The papers partly I of this quantity take care of facets of motivation, the ways that the linguistic shape is a diagram of conceptual constitution, and homologous with it in attention-grabbing methods. lots of the papers partially II specialize in isomorphism, the tendency to affiliate a unmarried invariant that means with each one unmarried invariant shape. The papers partly III care for the obvious arbitrariness that arises from competing motivations.

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Additional resources for Iconicity in Syntax: Proceedings of a Symposium on Iconicity in Syntax, Stanford, June 24-26, 1983

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When the category has a meaning that more directly affects the lexical content of the verb, that is, is relevant to the event described by the verb, it has an expression that is more highly fused with the verb stem, or it has lexical or derivational expression. However, a problem still exists because it was claimed earlier that categories on the high end of the relevance scale could have derivational or lexical expression while categories on the low end could not. If number agreement is on the low end of the relevance scale why is it that it is related to meanings that are highly relevant?

E. is not highly relevant). , valence. Valence-changing categories deal primarily with the presence vs. absence of an object, and occasionally with properties of that object, such as animacy. Indeed, in a language such as Nahuatl, the structure of the word is rather different for transitive and intransitive verbs owing to the presence vs. absence of object agreement markers. Despite this affinity to valence, evidence that object agreement is highly relevant is lacking. Object agreement never occurs closer to the verb stem than aspectual markers, and occurs closer to the stem than a tense marker in only one language in the sample, and occurs closer than mood in only three languages (cf.

J. W. 1975. Voice — beyond the passive. 16-24. Behaghel, Otto. 1923-1932. Deutsche Syntax. Volume 4: Wortstellung, Periodenbau. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. Bellugi, Ursula. 1967. The acquisition of negation. Harvard Doctoral Dissertation. 42 JOAN BYBEE Berman, Ruth Aronson. 1978. Modem Hebrew structure. Tel-Aviv: University Publishing Projects, Ltd. Bloom, Lois, Karin Lifter and Jeremy Hafitz. 1980. Semantics of verbs and the development of verb inflection in child language. 386412. Burrow, T. and S.

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