Die Ostsahara im Spätquartär: Ökosystemwandel im größten by Hans-Joachim Pachur

By Hans-Joachim Pachur

Die Ostsahara ist der gr??te hyperaride Raum der Erde. Die Forschungen zeigen, dass in den letzten ca. 13.000 Jahren ein geradezu dramatischer Klimawandel abgelaufen ist. Die Rekonstruktion der ostsaharischen Geo?kosysteme auf der foundation von geomorphologisch-pal?ohydrographischen, sedimentologischen und pal?ozoologischen Befunden f?hrt zu ?berraschenden Ergebnissen. Beispielsweise erweisen sich einige schwer zug?ngliche Syneklisen der Ostsahara w?hrend der fr?h- bis mittelholoz?nen Feuchtphase als bedeutende Wasserdampfquellen. Die Existenz von fischreichen S??wasserseen und ausgedehnten S?mpfen im Inneren des Kontinents f?hrte zu einem r?ckgekoppelten approach mit niederschlagsausl?sendem Effekt und Grundwasserbildung. Pal?odrainagesysteme hoben den endorheischen prestige auf; sie bildeten Migrationsbahnen f?r ?thiopide Gro?s?uger und neolithische Ethnien. Der Widerspruch zwischen der heutigen Aridit?t und der Tatsache eines Grundwasserexports aus den gro?en Becken der Ostsahara an die nordafrikanische K?ste wird vor dem Hintergrund der geologischen und pal?oklimatischen Entwicklung diskutiert.

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This can be assessed by using the Winkler test for dissolved oxygen. After adding an amount of iodide, a certain amount of iodine will be released; this can be titrated with a solution of sodium thiosulfate and provides a measure for the amount of oxygen present in the water. 1 mL normal sodium thiosulfate solution per 100 mL water) that the seaweed Ulva (9 grams per liter) produced within two hours on a sunny day, at various depths in the Nieuwediep Harbor An antiquated term which can be taken to mean non‐photosynthetic plants.

Beebe was only able to observe in a horizontal direction and was therefore only able to detect scattered light (Hulburt 66). Not only the selective absorption, but also the scattering of light contributes to the blue color of the oceans. As is known from physics, monochromatic light is absorbed by homogeneous media in accordance to the Beer–Lambert law, with the following formula: I I oe – kcd in which: I = intensity of the transmitted light Io = intensity of the incident light e = base of the natural logarithm c = concentration (of substance in a solution) d = distance the light travels through the material (path length) k = constant In seawater the concentration [of salts] is constant, but the incoming light is white; however, the rule applies only to monochromatic light; this means that different rules apply to daylight (Bouguer).

With the incoming tide, the soil capillaries once again fill with water, and the black mud (a product of bacterial sulfate reduction) displaces the oxygen, which is only partially replenished by the incoming water. This explains the extreme fluctuations in oxygen levels in the upper layers of the sediment. (B) Water At the beginning of this chapter we discussed the dissociation of water and the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions that occur as a result. This brief discussion is not sufficient, however, to fully understand water.

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