Colt New Service Revolver Explained by Gerard Henrotin

By Gerard Henrotin

Богато иллюстрированное издание, посвященное револьверам системы Colt. Устройство, обслуживание, клейма, схемы, фото, рисунки.

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She must never underestimate him. He hadn’t repeated the mistakes he’d made that first time, tonight. He was as fly as she was. And the way he had crept up on her and stopped her with her hand half out of the flat’s pocket, just after she’d nimmed his ticker —he was good. Too good. He’d been alert to her tricks, too, here in the alcove. It would be tough to put one over on him again. She’d have to keep on her toes. But why was she thinking like that? He’d come tomorrow. Matron would send him packing, and that would be the last she’d ever see of him.

Good. He won’t get into trouble for spilling the beans. ” Becky shook her head. “No, just me. I found out when I caught Sukey Cowly trying to steal our last farthings when she was packing her stuff so she could sneak off and join that slubberdegullion the day after he disappeared. ” Becky turned away, unwilling to say any more. Temperance had thought she couldn’t possibly feel worse, but she’d been wrong. “You could have said something, Beck, instead of letting me go round wearing the willow for the bastard, thinking he’d died a hero’s death.

He reached into a pocket and withdrew something from it—the accursed locket. “I came into possession of an object of value to her and used it to gain an unfair advantage over her. ” He walked over to Temperance and handed her the locket, which he had furnished with a new chain that was considerably thicker than the cheap one Randall had put on it. “Accept my apologies. ” She jammed the trinket into her pocket. He turned back to Lady Hartwood and said, “Let me assure you, only the four of us in this room know about my confounded mistake.

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