Basic Category Theory by Tom Leinster

By Tom Leinster

On the center of this brief advent to classification concept is the assumption of a common estate, vital all through arithmetic. After an introductory bankruptcy giving the elemental definitions, separate chapters clarify 3 ways of expressing common houses: through adjoint functors, representable functors, and bounds. a last bankruptcy ties all 3 jointly. The e-book is acceptable to be used in classes or for self sustaining examine. Assuming quite little mathematical heritage, it's excellent for starting graduate scholars or complicated undergraduates studying type thought for the 1st time. for every new express proposal, a beneficiant offer of examples is equipped, taken from diverse components of arithmetic. At issues the place the jump in abstraction is especially nice (such because the Yoneda lemma), the reader will locate cautious and huge reasons. Copious routines are incorporated.

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1) for each A ∈ A and B ∈ B, and that it satisfies a naturality axiom. To state it, we need some notation. 1) between maps F(A) → B and A → G(B) is denoted by a horizontal bar, in both directions: g F(A) −→ B f¯ F(A) −→ B g¯ → A −→ G(B) , → A −→ G(B) . f So f¯ = f and g¯ = g. We call f¯ the transpose of f , and similarly for g. 3) for all p and f . It makes no difference whether we put the long bar over the left or the right of these equations, since bar is self-inverse. 2 (a) The naturality axiom might seem ad hoc, but we will see in Chapter 4 that it simply says that two particular functors are naturally isomorphic.

9 Initial and terminal objects can be described as adjoints. Let A be a category. There is precisely one functor A → 1. Also, a functor 1 → A is essentially just an object of A (namely, the object to which the unique object of 1 is mapped). Viewing functors 1 → A as objects of A , a left adjoint to A → 1 is exactly an initial object of A . Similarly, a right adjoint to the unique functor A → 1 is exactly a terminal object of A . 10, the concept of terminal object is dual to the concept of initial object.

11. 27 Let A and B be categories. Prove that [A op , B op ] 39 [A , B]op . 28 Let A and B be sets, and denote by BA the set of functions from A to B. Write down: (a) a canonical function A × BA → B; A (b) a canonical function A → B(B ) . 29 Here we consider natural transformations between functors whose domain is a product category A × B. Your task is to show that naturality in two variables simultaneously is equivalent to naturality in each variable separately. Take functors F, G : A × B → C .

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