Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L-Functions by W Casselman, Armand Borel, W. Casselman

By W Casselman, Armand Borel, W. Casselman

This was once the convention on $L$-functions and automorphic types. the 2 volumes are actually classics.

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So, you spent of the hour standing in line. Realizing why smaller or fewer is better Why is better than ? Most people can relate better to smaller numbers. You can picture 4 out of 5 things in your mind more easily than you can picture 48 out of 60 — refer to Figure 3-1 if you don’t believe me. indd 41 4/16/10 11:04 AM 42 Part I: Starting Off with the Basics Figure 3-1: Forty-eight of 60, or 4 of 5? You decide. A few more situations may help you get this: ✓ A survey found that 162 out of 198 people preferred Bix Peanut Butter.

In this section, I talk about two of those properties — the commutative property and the associative property. Reordering operations: The commutative property Before discussing the commutative property, take a look at the word commute. You probably commute to work or school and know that whether you’re traveling from home to work or from work to home, the distance is the same: The distance doesn’t change because you change directions (although getting home during rush hour may make that distance seem longer).

The 15 and 75 are both divisible by 15, the 21 and 49 are both divisible by 7, and the 16 and 24 are both divisible by 8: Before multiplying mixed numbers together, you need to change them to improper fractions.

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