Wave Propagation in Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Media: by A. B. Movchan, M. Brun, N. V. Movchan (auth.), Francesco

By A. B. Movchan, M. Brun, N. V. Movchan (auth.), Francesco Romeo, Massimo Ruzzene (eds.)

Waves and illness modes in buildings media.- Piezoelectric superlattices and shunted periodic arrays as tunable periodic constructions and metamaterials.- Topology optimization.- Map-based ways for periodic structures.- Methodologies for nonlinear periodic media.​

The contributions during this quantity current either the theoretical historical past and an summary of the state-of-the paintings in wave propagation in linear and nonlinear periodic media in a constant layout. They mix the cloth issued from various engineering purposes, spanning a variety of size scale, characterised via constructions and fabrics, either man-made and of course taking place, that includes geometry, micro-structural and/or fabrics homes that adjust periodically in house, together with periodically stiffened plates, shells and beam-like in addition to bladed disc assemblies, phononic metamaterials, photonic crystals and ordered granular media. in addition to linear versions and functions, analytical methodologies for examining and exploiting complicated dynamical phenomena bobbing up in nonlinear periodic platforms also are presented.​

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Figure 5 shows the complete dispersion branch for the transverse mode of the beam, and illustrates its periodic features, the First Brillouin zone highlighted by the shaded area, and the occurrence of several branches. Figure 5. Real part of wavenumber k for transverse motion, tuning at 5000 Hz, R = 33 Ω, obtained through computations extended beyond the First Brillouin Zone. This region is highlighted in yellow. 3 Experimental Results Experimental investigations are performed on a beam with a periodic array of piezoelectric patches.

2 1/m. (b)). (a)). Branch folding is a feature which is characteristics of all periodic domains, so that their dispersion properties can be solely characterized through the analysis of the First Brillouin zone. In general, however, and specifically when experimental studies are conducted, it is important to keep track of the entire frequency/wavenumber spectrum, since the branches beyond the First Brillouin zone may be measured and or need to be properly tracked. In fact, the spatial resolution of the measurements goes typically 46 L.

The resonant condition is characterized by maximum coupling between the waveguide, acting as a primary system, and a resonating secondary system. The condition of maximum coupling is identified by the matching of the dispersion properties of the primary and secondary system. The dispersion relation for a secondary system comprising a set of periodically placed resonators generally appears as a flat curve, which corresponds to spatially localized modes in the resonators themselves, as defined by a null group velocity.

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