Understanding English Grammar by Martha J. Kolln, Robert W. Funk

By Martha J. Kolln, Robert W. Funk

This market-leading textual content for grammar classes is a entire description of sentence constitution that encourages scholars to acknowledge and use their innate language services as they learn the systematic nature of sentence grammar. a pragmatic mixture of the main invaluable components of either conventional and new linguistic grammar, the textual content emphasizes entire buildings, so much in particular the 10 easy sentence styles brought in bankruptcy three. key gains separate this booklet from others: its transparent association and its ordinary, available language. either scholars and academics get pleasure from the self-teaching caliber that incremental workouts offer in the course of the chapters, with solutions on the finish of the ebook.

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6. Betsy often jogs with her dog. 7. After two months the teachers called off their strike. 8. The whole gang reminisced at our class reunion about the good old days. The Indirect Object Pattern. W e are distinguishing among the transi­ tive verb sentences on the basis o f verb subclasses— in this case, those verbs with a second object, in addition to the direct object, called the indirect object. Chapter 3: Sentence Patterns 45 Pattern VIII: N P , V-tr N P . N P , students VV pave \ homework \% \ \% \ professor Ihe students gave the professor their homework.

Hit the brakes. (Pattern VII) O ur most com m on adverbials are simple adverbs (suddenly, quickly, here, soon, always, sometimes) and prepositional phrases (at the deli, on Saturday night, fo r some bagels). In Chapter 6 you will study other forms that add adverbial information, including noun phrases, verb phrases, and clauses. 38 Part II: The Grammar o f Basic Sentences N o m atter where they occur in the sentence, all adverbials are dia­ grammed as modifiers of the verb; the adverbs go on diagonal lines and prepositional phrases on a two-part line below the verb: M ario hir | brakes As you saw in Chapter 2, adverbs can be modified with words like very, known as qualifiers.

V lll. The students gave the professor their homework. IX. The students consider the teacher intelligent. X. The students consider the coursc a challenge. TH E S E N T E N C E SLOTS One way to think about a sentence is to picture it as a series o f positions, or slots. In the following chart, where all the slots are labeled, you’ll see that the first one in ever}7pattern is the subject, and the second— the first posi­ tion in the predicate— is the main verb, also called the predicating verb. Because the variations among the sentence patterns are in the predicates, we group the ten patterns according to their verb types: the be patterns, the linking verb patterns, the intransitive verb pattern, and the transitive verb patterns.

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