Microbial linear plasmids by Keith F. Chater, Haruyasu Kinashi (auth.), Friedhelm

By Keith F. Chater, Haruyasu Kinashi (auth.), Friedhelm Meinhardt, Roland Klassen (eds.)

Linear plasmids of microbes symbolize a heterogenous crew of extrachromosomal genetic components in the beginning assumed to be infrequent and bizarre. besides the fact that, we now be aware of that they're really often taking place plasmids in bacterial and eukaryotic species. Viral ideas to prevent shortening of the linear molecules in the course of replication indicate a standard ancestry. Linear plasmids can be helpful, impartial or harmful for the respective host; services contain construction of protein pollutants, particular catabolic functions, antibiotic resistance, pathogenicity components, and senescence induction.

Microbial Linear Plasmids constitutes the 1st try to comprehensively gather present wisdom of alternative varieties of such components, spotlight contemporary advancements within the box, and problem the excellence among viruses and linear plasmids.

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Highly reliable partitioning may be sacrificed in favour of increased adaptability in a vegetative lifestyle involving multigenomic compartments and relatively few cell division events. Acknowledgements We thank David Hopwood and Carton Chen for helpful comments on the manuscript. References Aguilar A, Hopwood DA (1982) Determination of methylenomycin A synthesis by the pSV1 plasmid from Streptomyces violaceus-ruber SANK 95570. J Gen Microbiol 128:1893–1901 Arakawa K, Mochizuki S, Yamada K, Noma T, Kinashi H (2007) (gamma)-butyrolactone autoregulator-receptor system involved in lankacidin and lankamycin production and morphological differentiation in Streptomyces rochei.

It still remains possible that the recA-independent homologous recombination is involved in end patching. The recombination model was rejected by Qin and Cohen (1998) based on a lack of homogenotization between the two nonidentical terminal sequences of a linear plasmid, which is expected if recombination occurs between the two telomeres in each replication cycle. However, this study concerns only recombination between the telomeres on opposite ends, and therefore has not ruled out recombination between telomeres at the same end of the sister molecules, as proposed in the original model.

14) on SLP2 (Xu et al. 2006). Interestingly, this requirement for linear replication may be substituted by either rlrApSLA2 (Qin et al. 2003) or by a truncated tap homolog on SLP2 (mtapSLP2 ) that encodes an 88-aa polypeptide corresponding to the N terminus of Tap proteins (Xu et al. 2006). In a yeast two-hybrid assay, IlrASLP2 interacts with TapSli . Therefore, it has been suggested that IlrASLP2 and RlrApSLA2 are involved in coordinating initiation from the origin with end patching during replication of linear plasmids.

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