Linear Algebra, Second edition by Serge Lang

By Serge Lang

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Syst. Control Lett. 37(3), 117–122 (1999) 75. : Recent trends in the stability analysis of hybrid dynamical systems. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Fundam. Theory Appl. 46(1), 120–134 (1999) 76. : Stabilization of switched linear systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 50(5), 661–666 (2005) 77. : Two conditions concerning common quadratic Lyapunov functions for linear systems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 41(5), 719–721 (1997) 78. : A result on common quadratic Lyapunov functions. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 48(1), 110–113 (2003) 79.

Ai+1 Ai x(ks ) = Υi x(ks ) and Vi (x(kv )) = xT (kv )Pi x(kv ) = (Υi x(ks ))T Pi Υi x(ks ). 3 is satisfied. 12). 9, it is clear that when the switching signals are arbitrary, Υi is unavailable, which indicates that the general MLF approach is inapplicable to conduct the stability analysis for the switched system under arbitrary switching. 4), it can be seen that for the underlying MLF, the approach does not require the comparison between the Lyapunov function values at two consecutive switching instants, and instead, requires the comparison between the Lyapunov function values at two neighboring switching instants.

Control 49(2), 184–195 (2004) 113. : Model predictive control of switched nonlinear systems under average dwell-time. J. Process Control 22(9), 1702–1710 (2012) 114. : On switched MPC of a class of switched linear systems with modal dwell time. In: Proceedings of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 91–96, Florence, Italy (2013) 115. : Robust Adaptive Control of Switched Systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (2007) 116. : Dissipativity-based switching adaptive control.

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