Atlas of Diabetes Mellitus, Third Edition (Encyclopedia of by Ian N. Scobie

By Ian N. Scobie

Diabetes mellitus is an exceptionally universal ailment that's achieving epidemic proportions as a result of significant raises within the prevalence of weight problems and the propensity for a sedentary lifestyles. the necessity for physicians to familiarize themselves with all different types of diabetes is key and the Atlas of Diabetes Mellitus is going far towards making the duty more straightforward for either certified physicians and people in education.

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Blood glucose measurements are taken before and after meals and, on the basis of a profile of several days’ readings, a decision is made regarding the need to alter the insulin dosages. In practice, however, although most patients become reasonably adept at blood glucose measurement, only a minority of patients acquire the skill of appropriate adjustment of insulin dosages. The exception to this seems to be most patients who have been on a DAFNE course as alluded to below. Furthermore, there is controversy as to the minimum number of readings required each day.

Constant teaching, encouragement and support of these patients combined with open access to diabetes specialist nurses (DSNs) are fundamental to this goal. Methods of improving glycemic control include strategies that facilitate self-management, such as motivational strategies, coping-orientated education and psychosocial therapies, and intensification of insulin injection therapy or CSII. One self-empowering intensive educational program called DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) originally developed in Germany has consistently been shown to lead to an improved quality of life, greater freedom of choice of food and a fall in HbA1c levels.

Increasing numbers of patients without any of the specific problems outlined above may opt for this form of treatment if appropriate funding is available and CSII usage is particularly high in the USA and certain countries of the European Union where such funding is available. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) attempts to emulate physiologic insulin secretion with low basal insulin delivery using a small portable battery-driven pump and a reservoir of short-acting 36 BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING The ability of the diabetic patient to monitor the effect of their treatment on their blood glucose levels remains one of the major challenges of diabetes care.

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