Approaches to Syntax by Jean-Pierre Paillet, André Dugas

By Jean-Pierre Paillet, André Dugas

This quantity is an more suitable model of the English translation from the French unique version 'Principes d'analyse syntaxique' (Québec, 1973). It offers a survey of theoretical methods to syntax, together with conventional grammars, structuralism, functionalism, and formal methods.

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In the following THE EMERGENCE OF LINGUISTIC STRUCTURALISM 33 chapters, we will examine a few structural approaches to 4 the semiotic function. 4. MARTINET'S FUNCTIONAL SYNTAX 1. Syntax and experience: a. The basic premise of Martinet's theory can be viewed as a development from Hjelmslev's general schema (although these two authors differ widely in their applications of the schema) . The main role of language being to transmit experiences from a speaker to a hearer, any aspect of language organization should be studied in relation to the experience to be transmitted.

As such, these relations are not to be considered as either semantically motivated stage of syntactic borne to clauses or definable in structure. ) seemed somewhat effort at grammar. 6 division circumstants.

2) TESNIERE'S STRUCTURAL SYNTAX 57 Thus we could say that Tesnière goes one step beyond Martinet in the direction of a semantic grammar. This appears in the fact, already mentioned, that he feels the need to mark purely semantic properties in his stemmas. Since the "structural" connections which have themselves a semantic foundation of the components, we semantic, rather conclude than recognizes in the definition that syntactic, he the stemmas are a representation. The purely syntactic considerations appear in connection with the notion translation of nucleus: dissociation, and form the core of a truly functional syntax, which would make explicit content junction, the passage from the form of (expressed in stemmas) to the form of expression (the "linear order").

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