New Developments in Lie Theory and Geometry: 6th Workshop on by Carolyn S. Gordon, Juan Tirao, Jorge A. Vargas, Joseph A.

By Carolyn S. Gordon, Juan Tirao, Jorge A. Vargas, Joseph A. Wolf

This quantity is an outgrowth of the 6th Workshop on Lie conception and Geometry, held within the province of Cordoba, Argentina in November 2007. The illustration concept and constitution idea of Lie teams play a pervasive position all through arithmetic and physics. Lie teams are tightly intertwined with geometry and every stimulates advancements within the different. the purpose of this quantity is to deliver to a bigger viewers the collectively important interplay among Lie theorists and geometers that lively the workshop. in demand subject matters of the illustration theoretic articles are Gelfand pairs and the illustration idea of actual reductive Lie teams. one of the extra geometric articles are an exposition of significant fresh advancements on noncompact homogeneous Einstein manifolds and facets of inverse spectral geometry awarded in settings available to readers new to the world

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Extra info for New Developments in Lie Theory and Geometry: 6th Workshop on Lie Theory and Geometry November 13-17, 2007 Cruz Chica, Cordoba, Argentina

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Math. 39 (2002), 345-362. [Mumford-Fogarty-Kirwan 94] D. Mumford, J. Fogarty, F. Kirwan, Geometric invariant theory, Third Edition, Springer Verlag (1994). [Ness 84] L. Ness, A stratification of the null cone via the momentum map, Amer. J. Math. 106 (1984), 1281-1329 (with an appendix by D. Mumford). V. G. Nikonorov, Six-dimensional Einstein solvmanifolds, Siberian Adv. Math. 16 (2006), 66-112. [Nikolayevsky 06a] Y. Nikolayevsky, Einstein solvmanifolds with free nilradical, Ann. Global Anal. Geom.

08a, Section 2]). Thus the Hessian of f is a real number h([·, ·]) which depends polynomially on the ckij ’s. This defines a polynomial function h : V4,2 −→ R, which turns to be SL4 (R) × SL2 (R)-invariant. It is not hard to see that h([·, ·]) = 0 if and only if [·, ·] is isomorphic to either h3 ⊗ C (h > 0) or h3 ⊕ h3 (h < 0). This implies that the union of the two GL4 (R) × GL2 (R)-orbits corresponding to h3 ⊕ C and h3 ⊕ h3 , which coincides with the set of all Einstein nilradicals of eigenvalue type (1 < 2; 4, 2) in V4,2 , is open and dense in V4,2 .

Consider Eβ ∈ End(s) defined by Eβ = 0 0 0 β+||β||2 I , that is, E|a = 0 and E|n = β + ||β||2 I. 1. 6) then π(Eβ )[·, ·], [·, ·] ≥ 0. 7) that tr S(ad H)2 tr Eβ2 ≤ (tr S(ad H)Eβ )2 , a ‘backwards’ Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. 1 into equalities, in particular: (β + ||β||2 I)[Ar , As ], [Ar , As ] = 0, 1 4 rs where {Ai } is an orthonormal basis of a. 5). EINSTEIN SOLVMANIFOLDS AND NILSOLITONS 27 9. The stratification and Einstein solvmanifolds via closed orbits We shall describe in this section some other applications of the strata defined in Section 7 to the study of Einstein solvmanifolds.

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