fp-optimal designs for a linear log contrast model for by Huang M.-N., Huang M. - K.

By Huang M.-N., Huang M. - K.

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T/ is non-decreasing. Proof Clearly, conclusions (1) and (2) are true for k D 0. , Ai Œx C y D Ai Œx C Ai Œy; Ai Œxy Ä Ai Œxy: Then Z AiC1 Œx C y D Ai Œx C y C Ai ŒqiC1  Z D Ai Œx C Ai ŒqiC1  t ˛ t ˛ ÂZ ÂZ t s CAi Œy C Ai ŒqiC1  t ˛ à biC1 Ai ŒqiC1 d s biC1 Ai Œx exp Z t biC1 Ai Œx C y exp à biC1 Ai ŒqiC1 d ÂZ t biC1 Ai Œy exp ds ds à biC1 Ai ŒqiC1 d ds s D AiC1 Œx C AiC1 Œy; ÂZ t à Z t AiC1 Œxy D Ai Œxy C Ai ŒqiC1  biC1 Ai Œxy exp biC1 Ai ŒqiC1 d ds ˛ Z Ä Ai Œx C Ai ŒqiC1  t ˛ ÂZ s t biC1 Ai Œx exp à biC1 Ai ŒqiC1 d ds y s D AiC1 Œxy: This proves that (1) and (2) are true for k D i C 1.

S/ exp 0 à s f . /d 0 Ä ÂZ à Z s 1C g. / exp Œg. / C h. s/ 0 ÂZ s g. /p. / ÂZ t 0 0 h. /u. /d à s g. /u. s/ exp f . /p. /d Z k. /Œ f . / C g. / C g. /p. / ÂZ 0 k. /Œ f . / C g. / C h. / 0 à p. /Œ f . / C g. / C h. 15. 2). 86) ˛ where a is a constant. 88) ˛ where b 0 and a are constants. 2 Linear One-Dimensional Continuous Generalizations on the Gronwall-. . s/ds is a non-decreasing function in J. 4. 12). s/ exp Rt ˛ ÂZ ˛Ätġ à b. 93). t/ exp ˛ b. /d Z ÂZ t C à t b. t/ Ä a exp ˛ b. /d Z ÂZ t C b.

12. s/ 0 às h. /x. 55) where x0 is a non-negative constant. s/ exp s h. /k. s/ exp g. /f . s/ s 0 h. /x. s/ às 0 h. /k. /n. 2 Linear One-Dimensional Continuous Generalizations on the Gronwall-. . t/ exp. s/ exp. s 0 h. /k. 59). This completes the proof. Pachpatte [449, 457, 460, 462] showed the following theorem. 15 (Pachpatte [449, 457, 460, 462]) Let u; f ; g and p be non-negative continuous functions defined on RC , and u0 be a non-negative constant. s/ 0 s à g. /u. s/ u0 exp. Z p. / exp.

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