Diffusion Processes and Related Topics in Biology by Luigi M. Ricciardi

By Luigi M. Ricciardi

These notes are in keeping with a one-quarter direction given on the division of Biophysics and Theoretical Biology of the collage of Chicago in 1916. The direction was once directed to graduate scholars within the department of organic Sciences with pursuits in inhabitants biology and neurobiology. just a mild acquaintance with likelihood and differential equations is needed of the reader. routines are interwoven with the textual content to inspire the reader to play a extra energetic position and hence facilitate his digestion of the fabric. One goal of those notes is to supply a heuristic process, utilizing as little arithmetic as attainable, to yes points of the idea of stochastic approaches which are being more and more hired in the various inhabitants biol­ ogy and neurobiology literature. whereas the topic could be classical, the nov­ elty the following lies within the method and standpoint, really within the applica­ tions akin to the method of the neuronal firing challenge and its similar dif­ fusion approximations. it's a excitement to thank Professors Richard C. Lewontin and Arnold J.F. Siegert for his or her curiosity and aid, and Mrs. Angell Pasley for her very good and cautious typing. I . PRELIMINARIES 1. Terminology and Examples examine an scan laid out in: a) the experiment's results, ~, forming the gap S; b) sure subsets of S (called occasions) and through the possibilities of those events.

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F. 's are invariant under time shifts. 52 Fig. 1. Exercise 1. f. for the Wiener process Use Eq. f. 6) under the assumption that Exercise 2. ~! vanishes at ± ~. The general solution of Eq. f. f. 15) of Ch. f. with mean m = x o and variance V(t) agreement with our previous conclusion. f. 4), takes a value somewhere in the fixed finite interval (a,b). P(a,b) This is: 2 _1. 10) where a(t) = (a-xo )[2V(t)]-1/2 and S(t) = (b-x0 )[2V(t)]-1/2. As t becomes infinitely large, a(t) and S(t), and thus P(a,b), tend to zero, independently of the choice of a and b.

2 ifp = 0 =1 ifp < 0 Provide an interpretation of this fact. 60 Exercise 2. 02 , Let X(t) be a Wiener process with drift and let 0 < • < 1. Exercise 3. ) given X(O) = X(l) = o. Use Eq. 1) to determine the moments Mn(t) of W(t) defined as M (t) n (Hint: ~ = J~ dx xnf(x,tlx )dx 0 (n=1,2, ... ) . 1) to write a differen- tial equation for Mn(t)).

F. 19) where the integral is over the entire state space interval. 21) Eq. 20) can be viewed as the equation of "conservation of probability" because it has the form of the equation of mass transport or diffusion involving a flow of mass. Indeed, interpreting j (x, t) as the "probability current" density, i. e. , as the amount of probability crossing the abscissa x in the positive direction per unit time, we have for any interval (y,z): j(y,tlx ,t )~t ~ amount of probability entering (y,z) across y in ~t, o 0 j(z,tlx ,t )~t ~ amount of probability leaving (y,z) across z in ~t.

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