Baltic Eugenics : Bio-Politics, Race and Nation in Interwar by Bjorn M. Felder, Paul J. Weindling

By Bjorn M. Felder, Paul J. Weindling

The background of eugenics within the Baltic States is essentially unknown. The publication compares for the 1st time the eugenic initiatives of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the comparable disciplines of racial anthropology and psychiatry, and situates them in the wider ecu context. robust ethno-nationalism outlined the state as a organic team, which used to be fostered by way of authoritarian regimes validated in Lithuania in 1926, and in Estonia and Latvia in 1934. The eugenics initiatives have been designed to set up a state in organic phrases. Their goals have been to render the kingdom ethnically, genetically and racially homogeneous. the most schedule was once a non-democratic country that outlined its inhabitants in organic phrases. Eugenic rules have been to regenerate the country and to reconstruct it as a "pure" and "original" race, Such schemes for nationwide regeneration contained robust components of secular faith.

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A leader of the Estonian national movement, eagerly spread the ideas of the Swiss anti-alcohol campaigner (and zoologist) Auguste Forel (1848-1931) after participating at the International Anti-Alcohol Congress in Vienna in 1901. 24 Following the Russian Revolution of 1905, the popularity of abstinence work diminished. The revolution created new conditions for local political life: the first Estonian political party emerged, and many antialcohol societies became inactive during the revolution because their leaders were prosecuted.

Recent research has achieved much in identifying eugenics and public health in virtually unknown contexts in eastern and south east Europe. 14 Yet we have a similar set of ingredients – new national states, emergent professionals, intense cultural interest in nature, and immense medical and social problems. In this sense, northeastern, central and south-eastern Europe have been no different to Britain, France or Germany in Western Europe. Yet the very different demographic, political and cultural circumstances mean that while certain elements, not least the constituting of eugenic societies and lobbies may be familiar, the significance and impact takes on its own distinctive narrative evolution.

The eugenic movement was strong: in 1924 a eugenics society was founded. Eugenics was well perceived by the authoritarian political system in Estonia – the latter, besides attempting to biologise the national concept through the term of national entity, was aiming towards a corporate system of statebuilding, and fostered applied eugenics. 1. Introduction The ideology of eugenics has been more widespread than its application. The latter is mostly connected to eugenic legislation, notably the so-called sterilisation laws.

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