Algebra by Laurie Boswell, Timothy D. Kanold, Lee Stiff, Holt Mcdougal

By Laurie Boswell, Timothy D. Kanold, Lee Stiff, Holt Mcdougal

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7 º 4)2 + 3] + 15 32. 9) º 5 33. 6(5 º 3)2 + 3 34. [10 + (52 • 2)] ÷ 6 1 35. ᎏᎏ(9 • 3) + 18 3 1 36. ᎏᎏ • 26 º 32 2 37. 52 ÷ 5 HOMEWORK HELP Example 1: Exs. 13–22 Example 2: Exs. 23–37 Example 3: Exs. 38–40, 42 Example 4: Exs. 43–46 Example 5: Ex. 3 Order of Operations 19 EXPRESSIONS WITH FRACTION BARS Evaluate the expression. 9•2 38. ᎏ ᎏ 4 + 32 º 1 41. 53 • 2 40. ᎏ ᎏ 1 + 62 º 8 13 º 4 39. ᎏ ᎏ 18 º 42 + 1 Writing You decide to buy two rings from an outdoor vendor. 89. 48. The sales tax is 8%. 37.

Find the area of a trapezoid whose height is 2 meters and whose bases are 6 meters and 10 meters. h b2 GEOMETRY CONNECTION In Exercises 53 and 54, use the following information. The surface area of a cylinder equals the lateral surface area (2πr • h) plus the area of the two bases (2 • πr 2 ). 53. Write the expression for the surface area of a cylinder. 54. 5 centimeters. 14 as an approximation for π. Test Preparation 55. MULTI-STEP PROBLEM You are shopping for school supplies. A store is offering a 10% discount on binders and a 20% discount on packages of paper.

44. The product of $25 and the number m of club memberships is greater than or equal to $500. 45. The perimeter P of a square is equal to four times the difference of a number s and two. 46. The simple interest earned on a principal of three hundred dollars at an annual interest rate of x percent is less than or equal to seventy-two dollars. 47. The area A of a trapezoid is equal to one half times the sum of seven and nine, times a number h plus seven. 48. The square of the length c of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to four squared plus three squared.

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